5 Day A.I. Crash Course for Marketers + Upsell


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Phase I: The once-in-a-generation opportunity for marketers to make “The 4-Hour Workweek” a reality while getting paid like the 1%.

Who’s teaching?

I’m a Marketing expert who’s worked with some of the largest franchises in the world, has been ranked on the INC. 5000 Fastest Growing Private Companies in America 3 years in a row, nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young, ranked #129 for the Entrepreneur 360 Award, and Tony Robbins Impact Award Recipient.

Phase II: A.I. powered selling for the entrepreneurs who love making sales but hate doing it.

Who’s teaching?

I’m a marketing educator with over 175,000 students in 75 countries, and global speaker.

Phase III: Ethically Profiting From The Dark & Confidential Future of Artificial Intelligence.

Who’s teaching?

He has the 5th highest IQ in the world, has been working in A.I. since the 80’s, and is responsible for billions in sales per year.

Sales Page:_https://www.joinbillygene.com/40-off

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5 Day A.I. Crash Course for Marketers + Upsell5 Day A.I. Crash Course for Marketers + Upsell
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