
[GroupBuy] A Systematic Way To Scale Your Agency And Optimize It

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How I went from freelancer to (almost) a huge crash and scaled to 4 Million EUR revenue per year with just 2-3 hours work per day.

I’m like you, an ageny owner, maybe some years ahead.

Before I was able to scale to 4 Million EUR revenue per year and finally step out from the operations, I’ve been through all the ups and downs, victory and crash myself.

But this wasn’t always the case.

I started as a freelancer in 2006.

Till 2014 I had no idea how to win clients systematically.

Often it felt like hope and begging people to give me some work.

I worked with any client I could get and that brought a lot of “toxic” people into my business.

In 2016, after investing +200.000 EUR in trying, testing and failing with paid ads and expensive salespeople, I finally figured out a sales system that worked!

In just 2 years, my agency grew to 2.8 Million EUR in revenue per year.

Things got so crazy that I had to work 80h per week and everything depended on me.

The more people I hired, the more clients I got, the more revenue I had, the more my workload grew and my life became a mess.

That was not the freedom I always wanted as a business owner.

That was just a stressful job I never wanted.

With all the chaos, my biggest project almost crashed against the wall.

We made a huge loss in 2018 and I realized:

I can’t grow my agency like this anymore.

It is way too hard, too complex and too stressful.

I was almost about to give up.

But I felt there must be an easier and more profitable way to grow my agency.

I decided to go all in and started to rebuild my business.

– I systemized sales and service delivery.

– I automated a lot.

– I delegated better.

– I stepped out from being the bottleneck.

Today, the same business generates 4 Million EUR revenue per year, we get requests from THE RIGHT clients every day and can choose with whom we want to work.

I have a team that runs the entire business without me being the bottleneck.

We use structures, systems, automation and self-managing teams to get high efficiency, low failures, happy clients and a lot of profit.

That is what I always dreamed of, a profitable business that can run independently from me with happy people and high profits.

Getting agency owners the profits, time and freedom they deserve.

Finally, at the end of 2019 I got a lot of free time as my agency started to operate and grow without me.

A friend asked me to help him increase the profitability of his agency and reduce his workload.

I bought 75% shares of his business (which I don’t do anymore today).

We started to analyze his business, we identified the biggest growth bottleneck and discovered a HUGE potential to get more profits and more time.  

But we didn’t just get to work.

We’ve created a KPI-based model and a simulation to see if our plan is realistic to succeed.

We tweaked and adjusted the model and got a roadmap of KPI-based milestones that lead us on the journey to scale with high profits and relaxed workloads.

We used these KPIs to give direction to employees and freelancers in the agency and to get full transparency over results and progress.

We knew that what we do really works, we saw if we are on track, we could always focus on 1 improvement at a time and it was easy to course correct (without the risk of a crash).

Till 2021 he paid me 290.000 EUR and he said:

“I’m so happy to have a much more profitable agency and less work, thank you!”.

Since that time I helped over 700 other agency owners break through their current growth bottleneck and finally, multiply their profits while cutting their workload down to almost lazy workdays.

Let a KPI-based roadmap guide your way to systematically scale your agency with more profits and relaxed workdays

Scaling is a plain numbers game.

Increasing your profits is a plain numbers game.

Reducing your workload is a plain numbers game.

If you don’t know your numbers, you just get busier and busier for fewer results. and hope is the only success factor.

You often get distracted, you don’t have enough focus because if you aren’t involved in the service delivery, always something breaks.

You just try “hacks” without knowing what really works.

You could pay thousands of EUR for “strategy consultation”, spend a lot of time on it and still don’t know what you should do.

Or you could try different hacks and strategies, and spend a lot of time and money on them just to realize afterward that they didn’t work again.

But you are here to find a better way to grow and scale your agency with higher profits and less work.

Today I’m happy to make it really easy for you to build a KPI-based implementation roadmap for

1) A reliable (and profitable!) sales system that pulls in THE RIGHT clients into your business without you spending unpredictable hours or money on it.
Most sales- and marketing systems never work as they are “designed” to burn money. You’ll be set up for success with a funnel structure that is optimized for profitability, respecting your individual offers. You optimize and simulate your funnel BEFORE you spend time and money in the implementation NOT after you lost time and money.

2) A reliable (and profitable!) delivery system with streamlined workflows to deliver your services very efficiently, with low failure rates and with full transparency and control over results and progress for you. If you see too many failures and too low profits in your projects, if you have to handle escalations too often and if you are still working too many hours in the delivery, you need to focus on systemizing the way you deliver your services. This will increase your efficiency, which increases your profits and reduces your workload.

3) A reliable (and profitable!) team that delivers services for your clients without your being the bottleneck. Especially in uncertain times and if you depend on volatile project revenues, you need more flexibility, not constantly growing fixed costs that eat up your profits. As it gets harder every year to find and keep skilled talent, getting the right people with the right skills at profitable rates is the key success factor to scale. But you can’t just rely on manual labor to get all the work done. You need systems, structures and clear result ownership for everyone in your team. Otherwise, stress will become too high and important people will quit, then clients quit and revenues and profits go down.

A KPI-based roadmap to scale profitably, reliably and with laser focus on time- and money freedom.

How would you feel if you could start your work day, looking at your roadmap with a laser focus on growing your business and you know exactly which milestone you need to hit and how you can achieve your goals?


You’ll become a lot more productive, happier, proud and self-confident.

You’ll simply execute along a proven roadmap and instead of just hoping that your plan is profitable, you’ll know.

You’ll have a KPI-based model showing you if it is worth investing your time and money to follow this plan and where you need to focus on to get the next breakthrough.

With a KPI-based roadmap for sales and service delivery, you can delegate parts of the execution and keep people accountable by KPIs (instead of just having endless status-meetings).

Finally, you can stop following random hacks, blind advice or ideas from people that never did it themselves.

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A Systematic Way To Scale Your Agency And Optimize It[GroupBuy] A Systematic Way To Scale Your Agency And Optimize It
Original price was: $49.00.Current price is: $29.00.
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