
Zen Activator – Zan Azahiro

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In the Future, This Is What Men Will Use to Get What They Want in Life.

Only You Don’t Have to Wait. You Can Start Today.

If you had seen David that day, you’ll understand why he needed a miracle.

Anxious and depressed, his entire life was crumbling in front of his eyes.

He used to be good with women, but not any longer. Worse, the one woman he loved was fast falling out of love with him.

Not only that, his job was turning into a soul-sucking leech. Tired and stressed, his work suffered.

He wished others would listen to him and respected him more. And yet, he felt increasingly powerless with the people around him.

David was in a dark, lonely place, feeling as if all hope was lost…

…and then he started doing this one amazing thing, and he completely turned his life around!

Now, David is living his best life.

His woman fell in love with him once more, and their relationship grown even stronger than before.

Even better, he’s now the one who holds the power in the relationship.

And not only that, other women notice his transformation, and they began to get drawn to him like bees to honey.

Amazingly, David’s life has improved tremendously in every way.

People started to pay attention to him and take him seriously. He noticed that it’s becoming easy to get people to do what he want them to do.  He commands respect and admiration from his friends, family, co-workers.

What did David do? What’s his secret?

Your Struggle Ends Here, Today.

I promise you – in a short while, I will reveal the One Thing that David did that turned his life around.

For now, however, I want you to answer this question for me:

Do you feel that you’re always one step short of getting what you want out of life?

And like David, are you in a dark place, exhausted, lonely, and wanting to give up?

Well, you know what? I know exactly how it feels. Believe me because I’ve been there.

Now, there are two important things that you must know. Here’s the first:

Understand that you are NOT alone.

Why? Because there are many of us who are in this fight together.

The good news is that because we are teaming up in a group, we can help each other out. In our group, you’ll find guys like David sharing their stories and techniques which you can use in your own life for great results.

(I’ll let you know how to find this unique community in a while. Keep reading.)

The second thing is to know that it’s NOT your fault.

Here’s why.

You are playing a game that has been rigged against you.

It’s like fighting a war with sticks and stones while the enemy has guns and hand grenades. It’s gruesomely unfair. It’s a game that you simply can’t win.

Nobody told you how to work this complicated machinery called “life”. They didn’t teach this at school. Heck, they didn’t teach this anywhere.

So, who can blame you when they never give you what it takes to handle the challenges that life throws at you?

I mean, let’s be real here. You won’t get into a boxing match with your arms tied to the back. It’s not fair. You’ll get pummeled.

So, are you surprised if life kicks you around? After all, you’ve been living your life with your arms unfairly tied to your back.

And guess what?

You can set yourself free. You can unshackle your arms and get a fighting chance for a happier, more fulfilling life.

Today, you will receive the One Thing that will level the playing field for you.

Most people think that they need to struggle. Not true. With the One Thing, you can sit back, relax and let life unfold.

Life can be hard. And yet, it can be easy.

With the One Thing, it will be easy.

And with the One Thing, your struggle will end, today.

The One Thing That Changes Everything.

Imagine a source of Confidence on demand – so that you are always at your best – and you dominate all situations through the sheer force of your will.

Imagine a source of Calm on demand – so that you are always in control – and you tackle the obstacles that once seemed insurmountable with ease and skillful grace.

Imagine a source of Charisma on demand – so that you attract people to you instantly – and make them do what you want them to do.

What’s this source?

The ancient Greek philosopher Pyrrho called it “Ataraxia”. Followers of Stoicism call it their “Inner Citadel”. Buddhists call it “Passadhi”.

We call it the INNER ZEN.

It’s your inner reservoir of strength, power and dominance – a source of Calm, Confidence and Charisma available to you on demand.

And most importantly…

The Inner Zen is the One Thing which brings you from where you are right now to where you want to be in life.

Your Biggest Obstacle.

Truth: Your mind has been programmed by society to diminish your Inner Zen.

Every day, you’re bombarded with ideas and instructions that suppress your true potential.

“Work harder”

“Stay in your lane” 

“Accept your fate”

“Money can’t buy happiness”

“If you’re a man, you shouldn’t feel the pain”

I’ll admit this to you: it’s difficult to break free from this negative conditioning. Not a lot of guys can do it…

…however, for those who did it, they went on to live the happiest life that they had always dreamed of.

Their secret? They have found a way to activate their Inner Zen.

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Activate Your Inner Zen.

Command Success. Be Invincible. Achieve Greatness.

ZenActivator Awakens the Hidden Source of Power Inside You.

ZenActivator is a system for activating your Inner Zen.

Your Inner Zen is an enormous power that you never knew you had. It’s a power that, once activated, will transform your life almost overnight.

With ZenActivator, you will get to know what the Inner Zen really is. You will understand why every successful man has it. Most importantly, you will learn how to activate it.

You will feel a new power surging inside you, giving you the 3C’s – CalmConfidence and Charisma – enabling you to command success and achieve your fondest ambitions. You will live through life supremely happy – reaping the rewards through only what your Inner Zen can give you.

The potential for a good life is already inside you, but you are not using it. ZenActivator will activate that potential for you.

All It Takes Are 11 Minutes a Day.

Close Your Eyes, Put on Your Headphones and Press Play. Done.

ZenActivator is a suite of audio tracks that play on your desktop computer and mobile devices.

Each ZenActivator track is engineered to guide you in activating a specific part of your Inner Zen in an effortless, relaxed manner.

Simply pick a ZenActivator track, let it play for eleven (11) minutes, and it’s done.

The Pauseability Activator

  • PAUSEABILITY is a man’s doorway to focus, discipline and self-control.
  • With Pauseability, you will hold your mind still, temper your emotions and eliminate distractions easily.
  • You’ll be the rock which stands unmoved as the waves rage around you.

The Pauseability Activator will equip you with the ability to act calmly even in the face of chaos, like a ninja in a street fight.

The Magnetism Activator

  • MAGNETISM is the “x-factor” that a woman finds alluring in a man – that fascinating spark that triggers admiration, respect and love.
  • A man with strong Magnetism makes his woman loyal to him, never setting her eyes on another man again.
  • You’ll never feel powerless with a woman again, ever.

The Magnetism Activator releases the subtle magnetic influence that draws a woman to you – giving you the hypnotic charisma that she can’t resist but to fall in love with.

The Esteem Activator

  • ESTEEM is what gives a man his inner sense of worth, dignity and noble distinction.
  • Self-esteem is a crucial Inner Zen trait because it’s the source of confidence, self-respect and honor.
  • You’ll feel secure and worthwhile without having the need for approval from anyone.

The Esteem Activator will help you develop a strong sense of identity as a man so that you can live your life with iron-clad conviction.

The Courage Activator

  • COURAGE is a man’s antidote to fear and anxiety.
  • With courage, you can break your obstacles that once seemed unconquerable.
  • You will look fear in the eye, and overcome it with gallantry and resolution.

The Courage Activator will infuse you with fearlessness so that you can tackle all your challenges with boldness and grit.

The Energy Activator

  • ENERGY is the life force embodied in a man that gives him the “fuel” to exist and flourish.
  • You will have an abundance of Energy from within to channel into your worthy pursuits.
  • You’ll never feel lethargic and beaten down ever again.

The Energy Activator harnesses your life force energy and turbocharges your life with vigor and stamina.

The Optimism Activator

  • OPTIMISM is the gateway to your Inner Zen.
  • A positive outlook in life leads not only to happiness, but to better health and longevity.
  • You will become naturally optimistic because your life will get tremendously better every day in every way.

The Optimism Activator eliminates negativity from your life and infuse a dose of optimism into your everyday thinking like clockwork.

The Creativity Activator

  • CREATIVITY is your ability to come up with new and original ideas. You’ll see hidden patterns that are useful in solving problems, persuading others or creating a masterful work of art.
  • You will have an endless stream of unique ideas and insights that you can tap into.
  • Problems that seem hard for others are easy for you.

The Creativity Activator connects you to something larger than you as an individual – a rich source of collective intelligence which gives you creative ideas on demand.

The Focus Activator

  • FOCUS is important because it helps you to be successful, faster.
  • Being focused makes you feel happier because you will be in control over your life and the choices you make.
  • You will have the power to say “no” to most things so that you can say “yes” to the few most important things in your life.

The Focus Activator gives you the power to eliminate pettiness and distractions so that you can choose to work on things that truly matter.

The Gratitude Activator

  • GRATITUDE is being thankful for what one receives in his life.
  • Gratitude is tremendously important to the ZenActivator practitioner because it is a source of happiness, meaning and fulfillment in life.
  • You will experience the true joy of fulfilling your destiny, feeling thankful for every minute of living your life to the fullest.

The Gratitude Activator lets you practice gratefulness in your daily life, acknowledging everything that comes in your way that will make you a better man – the man you are destined to be.

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Zen Activator – Zan AzahiroZen Activator – Zan Azahiro
Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $25.00.
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